The ministries at CCF have been birthed by individuals who have desired to be used by the Holy Spirit! The famous American Pastor and author, Warren Wiersbe has defined ministry as “God meeting a human need, supernaturally, through human vessels.” That is what we have seen at CCF!
We believe that ministry cannot and should not be manufactured! What we mean by that is, ministry can never be done by a board of Elders insisting a ministry “get going” when God has not first put it on a person’s heart to serve in that specific area. That kind of ministry would be a work of the flesh and not the Spirit. God will never bless the flesh!
We believe that a ministry is Spirit led and sustained! Ministry begins when an individual believer is seeking the Lord, through the Word, worship, prayer, and fellowship. Where God guides in ministry, He will provide, too!
We believe that ministry should be Word based! It is God’s Word that changes our lives. “Just simply teach the word simply”! The ministries at CCF have God’s Word in the forefront, not collecting dust on a shelf.
We believe that God uses the foolish things of the world to uphold the wise in ministry! You don’t need to be famous or have incredible talents to be used by God. He wants to use everyone who is F.A.T., Faithful, Available, and Teachable!
In the drop down menu, you will find a directory of ministries that are currently happening here at CCF. If you feel led to be involved in any of these ministries, you can speak with the leader or contact us. We have also included the ministries that are independent non-profits that we work with.
We look forward to fellowshipping with you!
Below is a Calendar of Events that our many staff, volunteer leaders, and co-laborers in Christ do each week.