Question of the Week: Does the Old Testament teach Israel how to perform abortions?
Verses: Numbers 5:11-31
It’s very common for the anti-theist online to take a passage out of context in order to prove something they assume is true about Christianity or provide evidence to deny something they don’t want to be the case in the faith as well. The topic of abortion is a big one. The Bible’s stance on abortion is that it is murder. Science also confirms this which puts the internet atheist in a bind. Since emotions don’t determine reality, they will use those emotions to attempt to distort our perception of it. The claim is made that the Bible taught Israel how to perform abortions and therefore our stance against abortion is hypocritical and ignorant of our own faith. Numbers 5:27 is quoted to confirm this. Unfortunately for the atheist’s accusation, the entire passage includes 15 previous verses, as well as 4 verses after this quotation. The passage in context is the law addressing if a husband suspects his wife of adultery. In order to confront this breach in relationship, the couple that couldn’t sort this out privately would bring the matter before God. An offering would be brought and an oath would be sworn in the presence of God from both parties. The priest would then address the woman accused asking her if she was innocent and explain the penalties if she was guilty or lying. She’d either proclaim her innocence or admit guilt. If she claims innocence, she’d swallow water mixed with dirt. If she was lying, God would make her become infertile by causing her belly to swell and her thigh to rot. If she was innocent, nothing would happen and the man who accused her would be charged with a fine and publicly sent away in shame. Hardly instructions for abortion.
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