Question of the Week: Why do Muslims claim the Bible has been corrupted?
Bible Verses: Isaiah 6:9
Quran Verses: Surah 3:3-4, 18:27, 5:47, 5:68, 10:94
Muslims claim the Bible has been corrupted. This is not because the evidence proves it, but Islam demands it. The Quran claims Jesus was merely a prophet and was never crucified, and at the same time claims the Bible is the inspired and incorruptible word of God. If the Quran is true, Islam is false because it contradicts scriptures that it affirms are true. If the Quran is wrong, Islam is false because core authority of the Quran has proven to be unreliable. For more information on Islamic Apologetics, please subscribe to Acts17Apologetics on Youtube and know how to defend your faith against Islam.
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