Question of the Week: Are the chemical attacks in Syria prophetically significant?
Verses: Isaiah 17:1-14, Ezekiel 38:1-23
The chemical attacks in Syria have people scratching their heads as to why Bashir Al-Assad would risk actions that legally warrant international response. The reason this has theologians raising their brows is because that this does indeed have prophetic significance. The prophet Isaiah predicted that the capital of Syria would cease to be a city. This is interesting considering the fact that the city of Damascus is the oldest inhabited city currently standing on the planet. This means that the prophecy is yet to be fulfilled. Interestingly, the rest of the prophecy goes on to describe that the result of this would create a time of extreme famine in Israel. Could a chemical attack by Syria on Israel warrant the destruction of its capital in retaliation? Only time will tell. The real thing we need to be paying attention to is that when Syria is knocked out of commission, the last threat to Israel adjacent to her borders will be neutralized and opening the way for the nations of Russia, Iran, Turkey, and various other nations to invade in the famous Gog and Magog invasion. When it comes to prophecy, hindsight will be 20/20. We need to keep our eyes on the nation of Israel and to continue to pray for their peace. They remain the epicenter of God’s plan for mankind’s redemption.
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