Question of the Week: What does it mean when the Bible says we are made in the Image of God?
Verses: Genesis 1:26-27
Human beings reflect the image of God personally; He is a moral, emotional, and relational being. We don’t reflect God physically because He isn’t a physical being. These bodies are simply designed for our spirits to express themselves on this Earth. It’s in those expressions that we were originally intended to reflect God’s character. Like God, we recognize there are things that are right and wrong. God as the definition of good Himself is repulsed when His nature is distorted and evil takes place. Likewise, when we see injustice takes place towards us or those we love, we are also repulsed even when we don’t always understand why. Even though they aren’t always expressed in a Godly way, God’s ability to feel happy, grieved, or even angry comes from Him. And from Him, we also see how those emotions are intended to be used. And unlike anything else in Creation, we desire meaningful relationships that go beyond a desire to preserve our species. This is the reason we were Created and how we reflect God’s character.
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