Question of the Week: Why did Abraham choose circumcision as a sign of his calling by God?
Verses: Romans 4:9-12
When Abraham was first promised more children than stars by God, he believed His promise and that alone saved his soul. Circumcision, the cutting away of the foreskin of the male genitals, was a gesture made by Abraham that dedicated the part of himself that made children as no longer for his pleasure, but God’s purposes. He didn’t have to, but chose to as a sign of where his heart was at. This would go on later to be a religious sign of everyone who was living proof of that promise being true. It has become less meaningful and more medical in modern days, but Abraham’s motives were simply to use a cultural sign of physical dedication to something as a reflection of the fact that his heart trusted God’s promises. It didn’t save him, but was how he culturally put feet to his faith.
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