Question: How Should We Respond When People Claim Jesus’ Virgin Birth is Scientifically Impossible?
Verses: 2 Peter 1:16, Luke 1:26-38
When someone equates a miracle claim and science, they’ve missed the point of both subjects entirely. Science is the observation of natural phenomena through experimentation and repetition. Miracles are when the natural law is interrupted by outside influences. An example of both would be as follows. Parthenogenesis is an observed and established occurrence in the animal kingdom among certain snakes, lizards, insects, and fish where a female can fertilize her own eggs and produce offspring when no males are available. This natural phenomena is rare, but observable and repeatable in certain conditions. Therefore it falls into the realm of a scientifically verifiable virgin birth. Likewise, when the virgin birth took place in a moment of human history, something unnatural was taking place. Was it through natural phenomena? Not according to the eyewitness reports themselves. Calling back to the prophecies of Isaiah and Micah 700 years before Jesus’ time, Mary was informed by a messenger known as Gabriel that she would give birth to a son. When the natural explanation made no sense, the messenger clarified that the Holy Spirit would overshadow her. This new factor would be the equivalent of a hand catching a rock as it falls. Normally when rocks are dropped, they eventually hit the ground. No one claims the laws of reality are broken when a hand introduces a new rule in catching it and thus preventing it from hitting the ground after it has been dropped. Therefore, if there is a natural law that includes the rule that virgins don’t normally conceive, then that will always be the case unless a new factor is introduced. And if that new factor is the intervention of the being that created the Universe from nothing, then physically entering a voluntary woman’s womb is small potatoes by comparison.
A Reason For Hope is a ministry of Calvary Christian Fellowship of Tucson
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