Question of the Week: Was Jesus born on December 25th?
Verses: Luke 2:1-7
The short answer is that we don’t know. The long answer is that we’re asking the wrong question. How do we know Jesus was born at all? In order to know something happened, we need three things. 1. It needs to have happened. 2. We need people to have seen it. And 3. We need to know we can trust those people who saw it. We know that the accounts of Jesus’ birth in Luke and Matthew had direct contact with not only the Roman sources that told us who was Emperor of Rome, who was in charge of their region of the Empire, and the event of the Census that took place during His birth, but also the person most directly involved in Jesus birth. That of course being His mother. If you question her sincerity, then we have the lists of not only Jesus’ supporters, but even enemies of Christianity like Tacitus who acknowledged Jesus died historically. It’s hard to die if you’ve never been born. For these reasons and others, we know that Jesus was born. That’s the most important thing to understand. When we celebrate it is a secondary issue.
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