Question of the Week: Why does God send people to Hell?
God doesn’t send anyone to Hell. He respects their decision to reject a relationship with Him and gives them an eternal state apart from Him. It’s important to understand that Hell isn’t a state of torture, but eternal torment. This is an internal and self-inflicted suffering caused by separation from the source of everything perfect and good. The reason people choose to go to Hell over Heaven is because they hate what makes Heaven what it is. For a Christian, Heaven is paradise because Jesus is there. We were all created for a relationship with God, but a relationship requires a choice. If God didn’t respect the wrong choice, then we never actually had a choice to begin with. The respect for that decision needs to be understood in light of two realities. First, that if God forced you to go into Heaven, He wouldn’t be loving nor would it be paradise for the person forced into His presence. And second, God didn’t make the road to Hell easy. Anyone who wants to go there must do so by crawling hand and foot over His dead and resurrected body.
A Reason For Hope is a ministry of Calvary Christian Fellowship of Tucson
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