Question of the Week: What does the Bible say about Gun Control?
Verses: Jeremiah 17:9-10, James 4:1-2
Whenever things go wrong in this world, it’s natural to seek a solution. However, the problem never gets solved if its source is never addressed. When things like public shootings take place, the media’s first response is to make it illegal to obtain firearms to prevent these sort of things from happening again. The problem is that this is treating a symptom rather than the disease. Cain would have still murdered Abel even if God had never invented rocks. The issue that needs to be confronted are the hearts of those who are wielding weapons for those purposes. Until that changes, nothing else wrong with this world will. Want to end Gun violence? Start by sharing the gospel. Someone who has given their hearts and lives to Christ won’t even think of using a firearm to gun down innocent children.
For more excerpts from A Reason For Hope, visit our page HERE.

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