Question of the Week: Is the Coronavirus a part of End Time Prophecy?
Yes and no. We want to avoid the easy error called newspaper eschatology. Which is when someone looks at everything and anything wrong with the world and uses it as proof that the End Times are near. We want a biblical approach towards prophecy. We also need to avoid a reactionary one. The truth is that outbreaks of pestilences in increasing intensity and frequency would be one of the signs Jesus told us to look for in order to know the time of His return was drawing near. (Matthew 24:3-7, Luke 21:10-11) However, many pestilences that have broken out and died down after some time over the past decade. This follows the pattern of sorrows, or birthpains, that Jesus told us to look for. That is where our eyes should be. Noticing the pattern and expecting Jesus. If you’re looking for a verbal prediction of a form of SARS that broke out due to the negligence of the Chinese government and popularized by the 24 hour news cycle, you won’t find it. Jesus didn’t tell us these things were coming so we would know when to panic. He told us these things for the same reason He predicted anything about the future.
1. To verify the truthful claims He made about our future with Him.
2. To demonstrate He has a perspective that goes beyond time.
3. To cause us to look up and live like He could take us to be with Him today.
A Reason For Hope is a ministry of Calvary Christian Fellowship of Tucson
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