Question of the Week: What was Jesus talking about in the Parable of the Unjust Steward?
Verses: Luke 16:1-13
The parables are a series of stories Jesus told to specific people to illustrate a point He was trying to make. When the intended audience and overall conclusion to the story are understood, the parable is seen in the light it was meant to be. The audience Jesus was speaking this parable to were a group of Pharisees, who valued their appearances before men so highly that they completely lost sight of how God saw them. The overall message of the parable was that the steward was smart to invest in relationships he would soon need to depend on instead of the current relationship with his boss that he would inevitably lose. This life and how men see you last only as long as your physical body does. Jesus is telling the Pharisees that death is their pink slip. They should spend less time building up themselves on Earth where they won’t stay for much longer, and focus on building up themselves before God.
For more excerpts from A Reason For Hope, visit our page HERE.
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