Question of the Week: What is Hell and why is it so miserable?
Verses: James 1:17, Revelation 20:15
Hell is described many different ways. It’s been called the Lake of Fire, Outer Darkness, the Second Death, and Gehenna. However, all of these allusions are just describing things and places you wouldn’t want to be apart of. Hell by definition is this; an eternal existence separated from God. God is the source of every good thing. So following the implications of that reality, separation from Him includes separation from everything that comes from Him. What makes drowning torture is the absence of oxygen. What makes starving torture is the absence of food. What makes Hell comparable to things like eternal fire, darkness, and death is because the source of peace, light, and life is not there. Jesus has restored our relationship with God to make sure that won’t happen. It is an existence we were never created for. God has given you the option. His advice is to choose life.
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