Question: If Jesus was born sinless and unique from the rest of mankind, why did it have to happen biologically through Mary?
When Jesus was physically born, it happened in a specific place and a specific time for specific reasons. From the time of Genesis, God promised that from the Seed of woman a male child would be born who would crush the serpent’s head. In the context of Genesis 3, this was referring to taking away the only power Satan’s kingdom has. Separation from God. When this child would be born, very specific prophecies were made by people who were publicly tested and confirmed as speaking for God regarding where this male child would be born. Micah gives us the location 700 years before it happened. Isaiah gives us the details of His conception 800 years before it happened. But most importantly, David and Nathan gave us the details regarding His biological family. That is why both of Jesus’ parents have their family histories mentioned as tying back to David’s family. Joseph’s genealogy is given in Matthew 1 informing us of Jesus’ legal right to claim He was this promised male child. And in answering the question, Luke 3 gives us Mary’s genealogy to confirm Jesus’ biological claim that He was who He claimed to be.
A Reason For Hope is a ministry of Calvary Christian Fellowship of Tucson
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