Question of the Week: Why is God sad about the things that occur in history if He knew they were going to happen?
Verses: Genesis 6:6, Matthew 23:37-39
God is omniscient, which means He knows everything. Our perspective is finite. We don’t know the future and hardly remember everything about our past. This makes it difficult to understand God’s responses to certain things since we can’t understand what an omniscient perspective would be like. We can, however, understand a perspective of love. God doesn’t want to see His creation hurt, but won’t violate their free will committing the actions that He already knows they’ll make. Our cynical perspective assumes that because God knows the choices we’ll make, He won’t be hurt by them since they weren’t a surprise to Him. However, scripture makes it very clear that though God knows the all horrible things that will happen in history, it doesn’t change how much He cares for us. That’s why His heart is broken when He sees His creation suffer. He won’t stop loving us no matter what we do. In the same way, that’s why God doesn’t love us any less even though He knows all of the sins we’ll ever commit. God’s omniscience doesn’t cancel out His love, it demonstrates it as unconditional.
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