Question of the Week: Was Jesus always both human and God, or did He only become that way in the incarnation?
Verses: John 1:14, Philippians 2:6-8, Revelation 1:10-18
The topic of the incarnation, or the kenosis, is a tricky one that can get you into trouble theologically if you don’t base everything about God becoming man from scripture and scripture alone. What do we know about Jesus from the Bible without any cultural interference to the topic? Jesus is the second member of the God-head, and eternally existed with the Father and Holy Spirit. Since from Jesus’ own mouth we know God is spirit, we understand that was the case with Jesus as well. What happened when He came to this Earth according to John 1 and Philippians 2 was a fusion of both humanity and divinity. Not a confusion of the two. One did not overwhelm the other, thus allowing Him to fully remain God but also adopt human limitations to interact with this world. This is how He allowed Himself the ability to experience human weaknesses including fatigue, pain, and even physical death upon the cross. Now upon His Resurrection, He remains as fully God as He was when He was physically born and eternally existed as a Spirit. The only difference is that body is now a glorified body like the ones we will be given in Heaven.
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