Question of the Week: How is God glorified through suffering?
Verses: Ezekiel 33:11, 2 Peter 3:10-11, Romans 6:23
The most common objection to Christianity is not an unfounded one. If God was all powerful, He should be able to do something about suffering. If God was all good, He’d want to do something about suffering. Since He hasn’t done anything about suffering, He’s either not all good, or not all powerful. The answer to this question is a simple look at history. Has God done anything about human suffering? Yes, He dealt with it at its cause. Our rejection of God is what brought suffering on this world. Our continual rejection of His standards is what we define as evil. Our state is our fault and God is under no obligation to do anything about it. Yet because He is all good, voluntarily chose to make Himself apart of our suffering and offer redemption from sin’s ultimate consequence. This freedom from death and the opportunity for a relationship with Him is how we see He is glorified through it. If God Himself did not have to suffer, but demonstrated His heart for us by becoming apart of all of it, our willingness to endure it for His sake shows that He is worth to us as much as we were to Him on the cross. Suffering may not always make sense, but God has shown us His heart on the matter. God did not ignore our suffering. He bore it alongside us.
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