7/27/2018 – Question of the Week: How should Christians respond to people claiming they’ve discovered the date of the Rapture/End Times?
Verses: Matthew 24:36
People have been date setting the End Times since the days of Paul and the original Apostles. If someone dares to make a truth claim, there will always be those who try to twist it for their own profit. And right on que, every generation has known someone that claims they have discovered the date of the Rapture or the End of the World. Easy giveaways are the follow up request to financially support their ministry to get this revelation out to the entire world, teaching right away that Jesus didn’t mean what He said when He clarified no man will know the day or hour of His return, and of course the inevitable moment when their claim is proven to be wrong. This brings us to the question, how should we respond when these false prophets come along? First, don’t give them money. That’s obvious. Second, stick to the truth. No matter how they spin and twist the passages used to prove their conspiracies, the truth won’t be budged and neither will you if you stick with it. And Thirdly, recognize that when they are proven wrong, nothing more or less has taken place. The Bible hasn’t been discredited or Christianity proven false. Another liar simply had reality catch up with them and we will then have the opportunity to clarify and comfort those who were caught up in their teachings that Jesus didn’t lie to them. The false teacher did.
For more excerpts from A Reason For Hope, visit our page HERE.

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