7/6/2018 – Question of the Week: What should Christians believe about Climate Change?
Verses: Genesis 2:15, Revelation 11:18
The controversial topic has taken on many names the more it is examined. When Al Gore first proposed that “Global Warming” would destroy the Earth due to the abuses that carbon emissions were inflicting on the atmosphere, it was a matter taken very seriously in political circles. However, the more the issue was examined, it was found that a single volcanic eruption released more “hazardous” material into the atmosphere in moments that mankind has unleashed on it over the last 5,000 years. More research was needed and the name was changed to “Climate Alteration” and eventually “Climate Change.” The issue hasn’t been dropped and continues to be emotionally put forward in political circles for that very reason. It is a political issue. The argument isn’t being made for the preservation of the environment. The argument is being insisted and opposers to it are being shamed and silenced because of the real goal behind it. The argument isn’t that we should take care of the environment. The argument is that only the government has the power to fix the problems they have yet to clearly define. With all of this said, what should a Christian believe about the issue? First, do your research and know the real issues being argued for. Second, know that God created this world and out of respect for His creation we shouldn’t litter or deface it for the same reason you wouldn’t want to wreck the work of an artist you respected. And third, we would absolutely agree that man is the cause of the deterioration of the world’s environment. Not through fossil fuels, but through our sinful natures that introduced death to it. Our goal is to focus on and fix that issue by redeeming them back to a relationship with our world’s Creator.
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