Question of the Week: Why are Atheists so against the idea of a global flood?
Verses: 2 Peter 3:3-7
The most common rejections of Christianity are based on assumptions rather than conclusions. When a person is told about any event in history, they have no problem acknowledging it based on fragmentary evidence that came from individuals who weren’t even there. The Life of Alexander the Great was first recorded by Plutarch centuries after his lifetime, and the only reason we know he wrote about it was because of pieces of evidence that he wrote over 400 years after Alexander’s death. Since the archeology lines up with later copies, they will teach it in schools. However, you bring up even a passing mention of what the Bible talks about in history and all of these standards go out the window. Whether it’s Jonah and the Fish, Noah’s Flood, or the Tower of Babel, it couldn’t have happened because we only have pieces of archeology that confirm things written by people who weren’t there like Moses centuries after the fact. Why the double standard? Not because there isn’t evidence, but the assumption there can’t be a God. The problem isn’t knowing whether or not the Bible is history. Very few lives are given to Christ after multiple attestation is given to verify whether Moses was a historical figure or not. The assumption is that this life is all there is, and if there is a God, then those who reject Christianity have a lot to answer for to the God whose standards they’ve violated. Until the heart changes, the evidence will always be turned down. That’s the real issue that needs to be confronted.
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