Question of the Week: Why should Christians care about biblical prophecy?
Verses: Matthew 24:36, Isaiah 14:24
A prophetic eye is an eye on the sky. Every single Christian who invests themselves in understanding and celebrating biblical prophecy will know the following three truths.
1. What God’s promises are. This is not just limited to salvation. Knowing even the promises we wish weren’t the case will make sure we’re not caught off guard when life gets rocky.
2. What promises God has kept. If God has kept promises before, we have that many more reasons to trust He’ll keep the ones we haven’t yet seen fulfilled.
3. What promises God has yet to keep. Knowing what we have to look forward to will make even the most difficult journey worthwhile because you know the destination will be worth the grief it took to get there.
For more excerpts from A Reason For Hope, visit our page HERE.

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