Question: What is the most effective way to minister to Muslims?
Muslims, human beings made in the image of God who have been deceived by Islam, need the gospel like everyone else. Fortunately for those of us trying to share the gospel with them, their belief system is little more than an intellectual attack on their founder’s misunderstanding of our faith. Muslims who genuinely care about the truth don’t need any more coaxing into a worthwhile conversation than a single sincere statement. “I believe Jesus is God and the Bible is the Word of God. Do you have an opinion?” Their faith not only instructs, but demands of them to object to this vehemently. This will then lead you to one of seven objections their apologists have trained them to ask in order to lead us to their faith. With brief and direct responses to each of these objections, you will not only shore up your own faith against the claims of multiple cults at once, but turn aside what they’ve been assured are unanswerable objections to our faith. Study and know how to respond to the following objections, and you can walk into a conversation with your Muslim friends completely prepared and able to stay on the topic that will make all the difference in eternity.
1. The Bible has been corrupted.
2. Where did Jesus say “I am God” or “Worship Me”?
3. We respect Jesus. Why don’t you respect Muhammad?
4. How can God die? (Eat food, sleep, etc)
5. The crucifixion is unjust.
6. The Trinity is a contradiction.
7. Muhammad is prophesied in the Bible.
With a direct and biblical response to each of these claims, 90% of he work has already been done. Give to every one an answer who asks us a reason for the hope that is within you, and continue to make yourself available to them as friends.
A Reason For Hope is a ministry of Calvary Christian Fellowship of Tucson
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