Question of the Week: Who created God?
The person who asks the question, “Who created God” first needs to understand what God is. God is the being outside of time and space who has always existed and is the source of life and meaning. With that clarified, who then created God? No one. God by definition isn’t created, and therefore didn’t have a Creator. The reason people ask this question is because everything they observe in God’s creation had a beginning, and then assume the Creator has to follow the same rules. The Laws of Thermodynamics demonstrate that everything that began to exist needed a cause. Since the Universe began to exist, the Universe needed a cause. This cause would need to be what we define as God. Timeless (Since He existed before time began), Spaceless (Since He existed before space was formed), Personal (Since He consciously chose to make this Universe), and Powerful (Capable of causing an effect as massive as the Universe). Instead of science disproving the need of a Creator, the scientific laws of this universe demonstrate our need for Him.
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