Question of the Week: If people are made in the image of God, what are angels made in the image of?
Verses: Genesis 1:26-27, Daniel 10:10-14, Revelation 1:12-18
Human beings reflect the image of God personally; He is a moral, emotional, and relational being. So likewise we reflect His personal nature in a way that is absolutely unique to us.
Angelic beings reflect the glory of God. How His majesty is described is also seen to a lesser degree in the angels. When Gabriel appeared to Daniel, he very much resembled the way Jesus was described to John when He was glorified. How do we know the difference? They both clarified who they were. John was given the explanation that who He was talking to was none other than the Lord Himself. When Daniel saw a similar figure, the individual clarified who he was and that he was an angel who needed help from Michael after a demonic entity kept him from getting the message he was sent to deliver to him. Obviously Jesus isn’t going to have trouble with demons, so why are their descriptions so similar? The angels reflect God’s glory just like we reflect His personality.
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