Question of the Week: Are Mediums Inspired by Satan?
Verses: 1 Samuel 28:7-15, 1 Samuel 2:6, 1 Samuel 16:7, Acts 16:16-19, John 8:44
People need to be careful when they form conclusions about the spiritual realm when you only have one historical event to go on. Mediums are very rarely inspired by the demonic. The act of a medium is literally the same term that we would use for a ventriloquist act. Someone who speaks from their belly isn’t necessarily speaking at the same time from the enemy. We know from scripture that the heart and soul of the enemy is that of a liar, and the abilities of the enemy aren’t even close to God’s. It’s this information and more that people so often overlook in order to come to more dramatic conclusions about their circumstances. Satan certainly is a liar, but he doesn’t need to take over someone’s body to give them the power of lying. People do that all the time. The issue isn’t the effect or presentation, but the message that makes it a lie. A medium knows how to put on a show, but the only thing they really have in common with the demonic is that they are both lying to you. The solution to this isn’t an exorcism, but to know the truth and avoid those you know don’t have it.
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