Question of the Week: Does Sheol still exist?
Verses: Luke 16:19-31, Ephesians 4:8
Sheol is the Hebrew word referring to the place of the dead. Before Jesus’ sacrifice, no one could enter Heaven until their sins had been paid for. When anyone died, they all went to the same place. The question is what state they were in while in this place. According to Jesus, someone we’d consider knowledgeable on the afterlife, there were those who stood at Abraham’s side in a state of comfort and those who were in torment awaiting their final judgment. What made you stand on one side or another was if you lived your life looking forward to God’s promise of mercy or not. When Jesus’ sacrifice was complete, those who trusted in His promise before His first coming were released from Sheol and taken personally by Jesus to Heaven during the 3 days He spent in the grave. Those who refused salvation in the Old Testament era remain there. And likewise, those who reject a personal relationship with Jesus today go to this place to await judgment as well. Hell will not be open for business until a time in the future known as The Great White Throne Judgment in Revelation 20. Those who die having refused God’s mercy go to Sheol today. Those who have received God’s mercy are immediately in Heaven with Him. Sheol still exists, but it’s only for those awaiting final judgment today.
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