Question of the Week: Why were animals sacrificed by Israel to God?
Verses: Hebrews 10:1-10, Romans 6:23,
The animal sacrifices were not meaningless, but served the purpose of pointing Israel to what would result in their salvation. When an animal was sacrificed on behalf of someone’s sins, even the Old Testament is clear that it only provided a covering rather than actual redemption. However, this is the way salvation has always worked. Just like we look back and remember what Jesus has done for us to forgive us for our sins, the Old Testament sacrifices put into the minds of Israel not only how serious sin is, but how seriously it needed to be dealt with. This animal substitute would place the hope in the hearts of Israel that God would cover their sins. While it wasn’t going to be through the animal, the animal’s death wasn’t in vain. It pointed the Old Testament saints to salvation.
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