Question of the Week: What did the Bible mean when it called Jesus The Prophet?
Verses: Deuteronomy 18:15-16, Mark 6:15, John 7:40,
In the Old Testament, the Jewish people were promised that a prophet would come who was like Moses. Moses was unique from any other prophet in that he spoke to God directly as a man speaks to his friend, and also was there when God spoke directly to the nation of Israel from Mount Sanai when they received the Law. This was a prediction of the coming of the Messiah who wouldn’t just be another prophet, but would be known as The Prophet. The one who would speak God’s word first hand. All prophets before Jesus physically came to this world spoke to Israel as God spoke to them. They were His representatives, but not God Himself. When Jesus came, it was God directly speaking to His people. That’s why when the crowds called Him The Prophet, it was recognizing His words were God’s and that He was the fulfillment of the promise that God would one day visit and speak to His people again.
For more excerpts from A Reason For Hope, visit our page HERE.

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