Let no one look down on your youthfulness but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity show yourself an example of those who believe.
1 Timothy 4:12
To see the latest announcements:
Our Group:
We have the joy of ministering to Junior and High Schoolers in our group. If your 5th grade student wishes, and you believe they are ready to join our group, they are welcome. They can always try it out first. Parents are always welcome to sit in and observe what we’re doing.
Our Aim:
We believe that every student has the potential to rise up and do amazing things for the kingdom of God and we would like to challenge them to do just that. We want to help each student come to a saving relationship with Jesus (if they haven’t already) and then prepare for and find the path that God may be leading them to walk. And in the process help to prepare them for the challenges they will be facing as they prepare to step out into their adult life.
Our Meetings:
Sunday 9:00am in the Student Room in Bldg C Game & fellowship time, worship and teaching
Sunday 11:00am in the Student Room in Bldg C Game & fellowship time, and teaching
Our Leadership
Current Series
Follow along with our student ministries study!

1st service 9:00 am – Romans
Demauree’s teaching through the truths we find in the book of Romans, verse by verse. Contact Demauree to find out which passage is coming up next.

1st service 9:00 am – Proverbs
Sean’s teaching is all about knowing why you believe what you believe. How is Proverbs relevant? How can I apply it to my life?

2nd service 11:00 am – Bible Basics
During our second service, join pastor Sean highly interactive and educational study as he goes through the basics of the Bible and the essentials of the Christian faith.
Other Activities:
We like to have opportunities for the students to develop lasting friendships with their fellow students, so we try to provide a variety of activities from small events (bowling, laser tag, frisbee golf, hiking, etc.) to larger events (camps/camping) and some extended times where we camp out at church for teaching and fun (lock ins). (See the above calendar for events coming up this month)