Leadership Class
With Pastor Scott Richards
God has placed somebody over you. Submit to him. Love him. Pray for him. Help him. Above all, always be loyal. Never betray those with whom you minister. Never ever, backbite or criticize publicly. Never gossip or be a talebearer.
If there is something you can’t live with in a ministry, quietly leave. Never try to build your own ministry on another man’s foundation. Touch not the Lord’s anointed. If he’s off the wall, God will deal with him; who are we to criticize another man’s servant?
Larry Taylor – Things I learned from my Pastor
Introduction & Overview
Our first class is a brief overview of The Philosophy of Ministry at Calvary Chapel, Calvary Distinctives and Things I learned from my Pastor by Larry Taylor. This class will help you understand the church organization.
Chapter 1
We start in the book of Titus. Paul sends Titus to the island of Crete to set in order the things that are lacking and appoint elders. Main objective here is understanding elders, overseers & pastor distinctions.
Chapter 2
In this class with will gain a deeper understanding the role of the senior pastor, assistant pastors, men, women, and young people have in a local Calvary Chapel church.
Chapter 3
Church and politics: What is our position on this topic as a Calvary Chapel church? Also in this class you will learn how to develop a grace-based ministry in the fellowship.
Chapter 4
How do you have a ministry that remains focused on grace and not on foolish controversies and issues that are unprofitable?
Further Study
Books below are recommended reading
The Philosophy of Ministry of Calvary Chapel
In 1988, Pastor Chuck visited Calvary Chapel West Covina and spoke to the congregation about the philosophy behind the ministry of Calvary Chapel. In his message, he revealed that there is no secret formula to church growth – it is the line upon line, verse upon verse teaching of God’s Word that produces a healthy, mature congregation, which in turn produces church growth. Once we recognize the purpose of the church and the importance of God’s Word, we realize that it is not about us at all, but about God completely.
Things I learned from my Pastor
The principles of ministry, which follow, are not at all original with me. In fact, 100% of what follows I was taught by my pastor, Chuck Smith, the pastor of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, California and Bible teacher on the Word for Today radio series. Pastor Chuck has been my pastor for over twenty years. Many years ago, he took me, along with many other misplaced young men, under his wing, and taught us by example how to be shepherds of God’s people. All that I have done is pull together what he taught us in one outline.
The Ministry of an Assisting Pastor
(Or, more Things I Learned from My Pastor)
Having been both senior pastor and an assisting pastor, I can share about this ministry from both perspectives. I know some of the things that a senior pastor needs, and I know first hand the joys of serving as an assistant. Both are great callings, filled with the joy of serving Jesus.
What follows is a fifty point outline on the ministry of the assisting pastor. It applies to anybody on a church staff who is not the senior man, such as youth pastors, Sunday School superintendents, administrators, and others. My prayer is that this small work will be a blessing to you and to your ministry
Calvary Chapel Distinctives
Charles Ward “Chuck” Smith was an American pastor who founded the Calvary Chapel movement. Beginning with the 25-person Costa Mesa congregation in 1965, Smith’s influence now extends to “more than 1,000 churches nationwide and hundreds more overseas”, some of which are among the largest churches in the United States.
What makes Calvary Chapel Distinctive? It’s always good to have a grasp of the distinctive work that God has done in our fellowship. If Calvary Chapel is exactly like the church across the street it would be better to simply merge the two. But, if there are qualities that make us different, then we have a unique and special place in the plan of God.
The Senior Pastor
A position paper of why we have a senior pastor.
David Guzik

Second: Humbly Assisting Those in Leadership
This is the story of what it takes to be an assistant. Not first, but SECOND. Has God called you to help another, to hold up their arms as Aaron and Hur did for Moses? This call can be in any realm of service, not just an assistant pastor. It is the role of a servant. Directed toward assistant pastors, Romaine gives straightforward instruction on what God requires of believers in service. The reader will be challenged as the scripture is unfolded, and the truths are laid out.