Music is a beautiful language God has created and a wonderful vehicle to express our hearts to Him. Musical worship is certainly a Biblical concept and we were made to bring God praise and glory. We dedicate at least a third of our service to cooperate singing.
As we become more aware of God’s presence in worship, beautiful things take place in our midst. We find ourselves in the place we were made to be, and our perspective can be corrected and our hearts encouraged. When the church gathers, it’s a helpful and appropriate thing to do in preparation to receive God’s Word.
Music at Calvary Christian Fellowship is contemporary, without excluding older songs. The songs we sing convey scripture or scriptural concepts and can have a lasting effect as we carry out our lives in Christ throughout the week.
The Word instructs us to play skillfully, so we are very serious about quality on the worship team. We are patient and prayerful about who serves on the team, and those desiring to join the music ministry will have to show fruit of a heart desiring God’s glory and not their own. We look for those who are F.A.T: Faithful, Available and Teachable.
As well as musicians, there are opportunities to serve in the sound booth in various areas of technology such as running the sound, lights, visual presentation and webcasting. A lot goes into creating an environment that is conducive to worship but, at the end of the day, The Holy Spirit is the ultimate worship leader.
We have sensed a greater freedom in worship at CCF in recent years. Although we follow the Word’s instruction to do all things decently and in order, it has been a blessing to witness a more uninhibited corporate time of praise and worship. We pray it continues to honor God, and be an edifying time for the saints.
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