Welcome to the family of God from all of us at Calvary Christian Fellowship of Tucson! We thank God for your visit to our website. If you are on this page, there is a good chance you are here because you made a monumental decision… to put your faith and eternal hope in Jesus Christ.
People often come to a faith commitment in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior in a number of ways. Perhaps you prayed with Pastor Scott or one of the pastors or fellow believers here at Calvary Christian Fellowship(CCF) during one of our services or one of our many online teaching times. Or perhaps you’re new to faith and are just looking for a church community to grow in. Or maybe you were always a part of the faith but you’ve been out of church for many years and feel like faith is altogether new again. Whichever the case, YOU… have just entered into the most life-changing and exciting adventure, a personal relationship with God, the Creator of the universe!

Like any relationship, there are things that can hinder or enhance our growth and communion with God. So, you might be thinking, “Now What?” What does my life as a new believer in Jesus look like?
Here at CCF, we are the first ones to remind ourselves and every believer to keep your eyes on Jesus rather than a church, leader, or organization. How can you grow in your newfound or renewed faith in Christ? How can you strengthen your relationship with God and keep your eyes and focus on what matters most for you and your family?
Four simple reminders
From the New Testament book of Acts, a history of the early church, we are instructed with four simple habits for the church to get us up going and growing as new believers. We find this in Acts 2:42:
Devotion To Christ’s Teaching

After Jesus rose from the grave, he spent 40 days appearing and teaching his followers. Most importantly, he charged them with the responsibility to carry His message to the whole world through teaching and establishing the New Testament scriptures. It is these scriptures that are the foundation of our faith and practice for all believers and devoting ourselves to these is an essential habit for followers of Christ.
Belonging to a Community of Christ Followers

When one thinks of “church” we often think it describes a sacred place or to be more specific, a building. However, the church in the eyes of Jesus and his disciples who established the first churches always meant it to simply mean, the gathering of God’s people. In other words, all of us, including you, are the church. As such, it’s essential that we gather as the church and build relationships that will help one another grow in Christ. We are not meant to be lone rangers. We are meant to grow in our faith in Jesus together as a part of the family of God.
Partaking in Communion to Remember Christ’s Gift
When we gather as God’s people (the church), Jesus instructs his followers to continue the historic practice of communion. This cherished Hebrew ritual (called the Passover meal) was given to us by Jesus for his followers to remind each other of what Jesus did for us on the cross at Calvary and to symbolically proclaim his miraculous resurrection from the grave.
Prayer in Christ’s name

Prayer is not a magic spell or a secret set of specially ordered words. Prayer is communicating to God your honest thoughts, struggles, confessions and needs. It’s being real with God.
God speaks to our minds when we devote ourselves to the message of Christ (the scriptures) passed down to us by his first hand followers (habit #1). God encourages our hearts when we become a part of a community of faith (habit #2). And God inspires and reminds us of why we follow Jesus when we regularly remember Christ’s death and resurrection through communion (habit #3). That’s a lot of good communication from God to us! It’s only fitting we communicate with God as the last simple and essential habit for a new believer. Converse with God regularly in prayer. Prayer is our heart to heart hotline to heaven.
Pastor Scott Richards has a short video message below just for you that expands on these four simple habits to start for new followers of Jesus. Take a moment to watch and join us on your faith adventure. Scott also has a daily questions and answers program called a Reason for Hope. Join in and ask any question you have about our mutual faith… not just what we believe but why.
Also available is a short pamphlet called Ben Born Again’s New Believer’s Growth Book which will give you all the info you will need to affirm what it means to be a follower of Jesus and continue this exciting walk!
- If you need a Bible please give us a call at (520) 292-9661 or email us and we will mail one out to you for free!
Thank you again for visiting us and we look forward to getting to know you more as we together get to know Christ and His love more.