Scott Richards is a graduate of The University of Arizona, and Talbot Theological Seminary. … Read More >>

The Three Legs of Faith
The Hebrew understanding of faith is understood in three ways. Simply defined, it is trust. This trust is based on the following reasons; Perception, Acceptance, and Response. In perceiving the character of God, I trust it. In accepting the promises of God, I trust Him. And in responding to a relationship with God, I belong to Him.
Main Points:
1. Faith is trust with reason. It is only as reasonable as the object with which your trust is based on.
2. The reasons God has given us to trust Him are established in what He has said and done, not what His followers have done or failed to do in His name.
3. The substance of Christian faith is the same response the Hebrews made to God in the Old Testament. His character is worthy of that trust. We have it established in history that His promises are always kept.