Scott Richards is a graduate of The University of Arizona, and Talbot Theological Seminary. … Read More >>

The Purpose and the Plan
As Jesus approached the final week of His earthly ministry, persecution was increasing exponentially. In response to this, Jesus gave us a perfect example of how to respond to persecution. He understood His Father would accomplish what He started. He trusted His Father more than the schemes and manipulations of men. And He grounded that trust in scripture by reminding those around Him that God wouldn’t give up accomplishing His will for the lives of the nation about to reject Him. It was from that place of assurance that we find comfort and hope as well.
1. God is more interested in guiding us than we are in being guided.
2. Fear or Faith will set terms of your pursuit of God’s Will. Not both.
3. God’s Faithfulness to His promises is the only hope we have/need.