Scott Richards is a graduate of The University of Arizona, and Talbot Theological Seminary. … Read More >>

I Understood Those References
The Apostle John goes on from his introduction of Revelation to cite multiple Old Testament passages and applies them directly to Jesus Christ. The first identifies Him doing something God does. The second clarifies Him as the one predicted in Zechariah and Daniel. And the third calls Him the Greek equivalent of God’s title, The First and the Last. In a book titled The Revelation of Jesus Christ, he isn’t leaving that task up to guesswork.
1. John refers to Jesus as coming with the clouds because the Old Testament refers to God riding the clouds.
2. John quotes Zechariah’s prophecy of the Messiah to draw to mind how Israel will react to how they treated their God.
3. John calls Jesus the Alpha and Omega in order to draw the nearest Greek equivalent to God’s title in Isaiah.