There are many ways that you can serve in the body here. Below is a list of some of the ways that you can volunteer. Check out the descriptions below and see where your gifts and talents might fit in.
You can request to join a team or ask further questions by filling out the form at the bottom of the page or click the button.

Church Care Team
This team helps with general maintenance of the property as well as help out with special projects both for clean up and construction.

Church Cleaning Team
This team gets together on Tuesdays @ 8am and helps to do general clean up of the main building. Vacuuming, mopping and cleaning the Worship Center, Fellowship Hall and bathrooms.

Decorating Team
This team helps change out the decorations throughout the main building for different seasons, holidays or special church events.

Food Pantry Team
This team helps organize and package up donated food for distribution to those in the body in need.
Donations are always welcome. See suggested items list at the pantry.
If you are in need or know someone who is in need, feel free to take bags. Please do not remove or rearrange items in bags.

Hospitality Hub Team
This team helps organize the layout of goodies and coffee in the Fellowship Hall and maintain supplies for serving.
Donations are welcome. If bringing home baked goods please fill out a form, located on the counter, so we can make people aware of possible allergens.

Meal Ministry Team
This team helps out those in the fellowship that are in need of meals due to a crisis situation arising.
If you are in need of meals please fill out the form on the Request for Services icon on main page so the team is aware of dietary needs and restrictions.

Security/Medical Team
This team is prepared to handle emergency situations involving both security and medical emergencies as they arise during services. They may also be called upon to serve at special events held here at the church.

Special Events Team
This team helps out at special occasions here at the church. Events like weddings, memorials or special church events like Easter. They are especially involved with organizing the serving of food. They can also be called on to help with set up and clean up of these events.

Ushers & Greeters Team
This team helps to be sure the building is ready to go for services. They can be set to warmly greet those coming to worship here. Head ushers may assign other tasks such as setting thermostats, assisting pastoral staff with any needs, and being alert for any needs that may arise. You can choose availability and level of service.