Question of the Week: Should Christians avoid offending people?
Verses: Romans 14:20-21, Matthew 10:16
There are two ways a person can be offended. The right way or the wrong way. If someone is offended by truth, then it’s their problem. If someone is offended because we are impolite, vulgar, or disrespectful, then we are the problem. The key is where your focus is. If you’re only interested in being right, than the tendency for pride to creep its way in will end up happening naturally. Our focus needs to be on the benefit of the person we are talking to or interacting with. If our goal is simply to present them the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth like Jesus would through us, then the burden is entirely on them to accept or reject what is being offered to them. If our goal is to win the argument, then you can find yourself winning a debate and losing a soul in the process. Don’t be afraid to let certain points slide until later and keep asking questions. Don’t feel ashamed if you don’t know something and need to get back to them. Just focus on sharing God’s word, and do so with God’s voice and heart. If you keep that balance, then it doesn’t matter who we offend.
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