7/13/2018 – Question of the Week: What can’t Christians disagree with each other about?
Verses: Romans 10:9-10, John 6:28-29, Romans 12:18, Titus 3:10
Our goal as Christians is to follow Christ, yet throughout history it seems like we’ve spent more time focusing on circling our wagons and shooting each other than following in line behind our Lord. Human nature has always been what it is, Christian or not. We can’t change the mistakes made in history. We can only avoid making them ourselves. The key to avoiding conflict is to know what we can and can’t disagree on. What are the beliefs everyone who calls themselves Christian needs to believe?
1. Jesus is the True and Living God.
2. God has revealed Himself to man as a Trinity. 1 in essence, but with 3 unique centers of consciousness. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
3. Salvation from sin is through mercy provided by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, once for all, in a moment of history.
4. The Bible is the inspired, preserved, authoritative, and infallible Word of God.
If we agree on number 4, numbers 1-3 can be clarified. Even if you don’t completely understand every one of them, you can still recognize them as true. If someone compromises on them and won’t hear any other position than what they’ve decided, then they simply aren’t Christians and should be left alone until they’re ready to hear the gospel.
For more excerpts from A Reason For Hope, visit our page HERE.

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