Question of the Week: What does it means when you want to know more about God but don’t have a personal relationship with Him yet?
Verses: John 6:44, Romans 10:9-10
The God of the Bible is a God who desires a relationship with His creation. He doesn’t depend on us for anything He wouldn’t already have within Himself, but even despite all He knew He would have to go through to save us from our own choices, created us to enjoy Him anyway. Until we fulfill that purpose, we will find ourselves constantly missing the one thing we desire most. God uses this to draw us to Himself. The Bible says that we are born in a state of spiritual death, but God spoke life back into us and gave us the offer of a relationship with Him again. This is supernatural intervention on His part. A soul that hears the voice of God even in death is being given the opportunity to listen and receive that which will restore life to them again forever. However, this is not something that God will continually offer. If you hear the voice of God calling you and have that desire to want to seek Him, do not ignore it. Too much is at stake to gamble with eternity. If you want to know God, know that is His voice calling you to Him. Know that anyone who answers that call by accepting the gift of His Son’s life for their redemption will be saved.
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