Question of the Week: What is the difference between answered prayer and circumstances sorting themselves out coincidentally?
Verses: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, James 1:5-8
From a worldly perspective, it can be difficult to tell the difference between between coincidence and providence. Prayer in the life of a believer is what helps bridge that gap. When you look at things from this world’s perspective, life happens and it doesn’t seem like anything else would have happened but what actually occured. When a believer prays, it not only opens up direct communication with God, but allows you to see your circumstances from His perspective as you give them to Him. That’s why an earthly perspective can only tell you so much about what’s actually going on behind the scenes. Prayer reminds us of God’s involvement in our lives and is what allows us to think beyond what we see. If we are always in prayer about our circumstances, we’ll find ourselves more and more looking up and knowing that God had a very special hand in seeing things “work themselves” out. That’s why we are always to be in prayer and in everything give thanks. We don’t take a single moment for granted knowing not only how much God has involved Himself in our lives in history, but continues to do so today.
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