Question of the Week: How should Christians view suicide?
Verses: 1 John 3:15, James 4:7-8
The topic of suicide is not an easy one to discuss. There are people on both ends who either have loved ones who have committed suicide and are looking for hope, or are struggling in life and considering it for themselves. Whichever position you or the person you are talking to finds themselves in, the last thing we should do is to go beyond scripture. It is not the unforgivable sin, and therefore shouldn’t be assumed a one-way ticket to Hell. Likewise, it isn’t something any Christian should do because it is by definition self-murder. The struggle with suicide is a spiritual battle, and the solution to any spiritual battle is bringing our Savior into it. If you or someone you love is struggling with thoughts of suicide, don’t overwhelm them with reasons why they should avoid what they want to do. Focus on and pursue Jesus, who can give us something worth living for even when we felt there are none left.
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