Question of the Week: Does God have knowledge of our prayers before we pray them?
The purpose of prayer isn’t to change the mind of God. It’s to change our hearts to be like God’s. The foundation of any relationship is communication. The sharing of the heart between us and God was modeled by Jesus as He continued His eternal relationship with the Father during His earthly ministry. Even in His most desperate moment, He prefaced His prayer to the Father with “Not my will, but your will be done.” With this all in mind, God hears our prayers. He enjoys hearing from us. The goal and focus isn’t to get your wishes granted, but to spend that time with Him. The more time you spend focusing on the Holy Trinity; Father, Son, and Spirit, the less time you spend focusing on yourself. Likewise, God also knows what is best for us. If we prayed something foolish, or in this context, too late, God already had the issue handled. The purpose wasn’t to alter His purposes, but to align your heart with His purposes. The Bible also acknowledges that we don’t know how to pray in the way we ought to. That is a role the Holy Spirit has covered in our hearts. Romans 8:26 Even when we’re late in our prayers, God wasn’t unaware of those issues while they were happening. Even when we’re deficient in our prayers, He has the situation well in hand. Even when we don’t pray, the Holy Spirit is praying for us.
A Reason For Hope is a ministry of Calvary Christian Fellowship of Tucson
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