Question of the Week: What is spiritual covering?
Verses: Ephesians 5:23
Spiritual covering is a term used to describe a role of authority. In a biblical sense, it’s referring to the role God has to be our protector, provider, and guide through our Christian lives through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, certain groups have taken this principal and twisted it into a different meaning altogether. Cult groups like Shepherding movements will use these terms to claim the Holy Spirit is acting through them as His earthly agent in the lives of believers. The church leaders then demand full authority over a person and every decision they are allowed to make in their lives. This is false. God is the head of the church, not an individual. If you have the opportunity to put your total trust in someone, don’t settle for less than God’s best. Put your faith in God, not in a person who is twisting the scripture for their own self-promotion.
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