Question of the Week: What do Christians need to remember when they feel depressed?
Verses: Psalm 103, 1 Peter 5:7, Matthew 6:25-34
God cares about you. There are no more significant words in all of the universe than its creator personally investing Himself in the lives of little old you and me. If you take the time to remember that God’s word is filled with these kinds of reminders, you will begin to pick up on the fact that God knows how we feel sometimes. The key then isn’t to default to our feelings, but remember our reality in spite of them. Whether it’s the Old Testament, the Gospels, or the letters of His Disciples, we are given reminder after reminder that God knows how we feel and is always there to see us through them. The key to benefiting from that knowledge is to know it in the first place. Know how much God cares and how He has proven it throughout history. That way no matter how you feel, you’ll know the reality of God’s heart towards you hasn’t changed.
For more excerpts from A Reason For Hope, visit our page HERE.

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