Question of the Week: Why shouldn’t Christians have sex before marriage?
Verses: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, Ephesians 5:28-29
Trust is the foundation of a happy sex life. The world doesn’t know any better nor should it be expected to. However, those who call themselves Christians are saying they believe God’s purpose and intended design for our lives is the right one. This extends into even the practice of our sexuality. Marriage is always prescribed first because it is a lifelong commitment to someone. It’s that promise made before God that will build the trust that won’t cause someone to doubt the commitment of their spouse. That is where real intimacy occurs. Without that promise, there’s no long-term reason to trust each other. If you want an awesome sex life, start with how it’s inventor intended it to be practiced. Not just in marriage, but in a commitment to someone who before God you have sworn to protect, to serve, and to love just like Christ has done for all of us.
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