Question of the Week: Are there such things as Satanic symbols or objects Christians should avoid?
Verses: 1 Corinthians 8:4-13
Shapes aren’t Satanic. A shape is only a collection of lines and curves. Pentagrams and other things have been associated with pagan worship over the years, but they only have the impact on you that you give to them. If there are things like statues of Lucifer or ancient tools used for pagan sacrifices, the concern a Christian should have isn’t for the “demons” hiding in them. Their only concern is how others who don’t know Jesus would react seeing those sort of things in your possession. The problem isn’t in the object. The only thing that makes something Satanic is the message it conveys. If something points people away from God, it shouldn’t be something a Christian owns. Not for the sake of their salvation, but their witness and the conscience of those around them.
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