A Reason For Hope Question of the Week:
Date: 6/1/2016
Question of the Week: Did Abraham’s promises from God pass to all his descendants or just to Issac?
Verses: Genesis 12:1-3 – God’s promise to Abraham
Genesis 16:10 – God’s promise to Ishmael
Genesis 25:5 – God’s promise to Issac
Genesis 27:29 – God’s promise to Jacob and his descendants
God made three promises to Abraham.
The first promise was that he would have more children than stars, outnumbering the very sand of the seashore in multitude.
The second promise was that God would bless those that blessed him, and curse those who cursed him.
The third promise God made to Abraham was that through His Seed, all the nations of the Earth would be blessed.
This last promise was noting the Messiah would enter the world through his family line. We know that Abraham had more children than Issac, so do all of these promises apply to Ishmael and his other children as well as Issac and Jacob’s children as well? The answer is no. Abraham specifically blessed each of his children in turn, and under no uncertain terms passed all he had, spiritually and physically, to Issac, the son God told him would receive these promises. So what did Ishmael inherit? We are told specifically from God Himself. He would have many children as well, but not anything further. God’s blessing to Abraham passed onto the Sons of Issac and Jacob specifically, not to all biological descendants of Abraham.
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