Question of the Week: Is the Book of Revelation written Chronologically? If not, then what order is it written?
This is the Book of Revelation Chapter by Chapter.
Chapter 1: The Things That Were – Over viewing who Jesus revealed Himself to be in the Gospels, fulfilling the Old Testament prophecies as the Messiah and God Incarnate.
Chapters 2-3: The Things Which Are – Prophetically Summarizing the Church Age along with the individual spiritual states each church can find themselves in relating to Jesus personally.
Chapter 4: The Conclusion of Chapters 2-3 ending in the Church being called to Heaven.
Chapter 5: The Beginning of the Tribulation as the Lamb takes the Scroll from the Father because of the work of the Cross, and those redeemed by it before the Tribulation, the Church, worship Him for it.
Chapter 6: The Tribulation Period, the First 3 ½ years of the final week of Daniel beginning with the impact and fallout of the Antichrist rising on the world scene, first bringing peace, then war and persecution of those who come to faith in Jesus following the Rapture.
Chapter 7: How God will be using Israel during the Tribulation Period, Chapters 6-9, through the 144,000 sharing the gospel with the whole world.
Chapters 8-9: The Tribulation Period continued, following the judgments from the world’s perspective facing a restrained form of God’s wrath against sin following Chapter 6.
Chapter 10: Introducing and explaining how the 144,000 came to a relationship with Jesus in the first place through the Two Witnesses.
Chapter 11: The Half-way point of the Tribulation, including the murder of the Two Witnesses, and introducing the Great Tribulation at the 3 ½ year mark.
Chapter 12: Why Satan is trapped on Earth and persecuting the saints instead of accusing them in Heaven.
Chapter 13: How Satan will be persecuting the world through the Antichrist and False Prophet.
Chapter 14: Following Chapter 7, A Summary of how God will use Angels to share the gospel with the entire world warning them to not take the mark until the very end of the Tribulation at the Battle of Armageddon.
Chapter 15: A Review of those saved by the 144,000 and the Angels and lost their lives during the Great Tribulation, and announcing God’s final wrath against sin to the world.
Chapter 16: God’s final wrath against sin on the world immediately following Chapter 9.
Chapter 17: Explaining what Mystery Babylon is as a religious system after being mentioned during the Seventh Bowl judgment.
Chapter 18: Explaining how God will judge Mystery Babylon as a commercial system specifically at the End of the Tribulation.
Chapter 19: Where the Church has been during the Tribulation since they were last mentioned in Chapter 5 worshipping God. The Second Coming of Christ and the Battle of Armageddon.
Chapter 20: The Millennial Kingdom immediately following the events in Chapter 19 and the Final Judgment of God at the Great White Throne.
Chapter 21: The New Kingdom that will follow the passing away of the old universe having been judged by God in Chapter 20.
Chapter 22: What to do with this information in the mean time.
For more excerpts from A Reason For Hope, visit our page HERE.

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