Scott Richards is a graduate of The University of Arizona, and Talbot Theological Seminary. … Read More >>

The Faith Factor
Leprosy was a death sentence physically just like sin spiritually. No one got healed from leprosy before the time of Jesus, yet it seemed to almost be a regular occurrence during His ministry. This was intentional. The lengthy investment of the Old Testament to set people up for how they’d know Jesus when He arrived are not only significant in how He healed, but why. Jesus didn’t heal for healing’s sake, but to ultimately make us realize that He is the source of those good things. While only one out of ten received the greater blessing, this passage is meant to be an encouragement. Be the person who not only obeys God’s word when and how healing is offered, but uses every good thing form God as an opportunity to share how good He is to those around us.
1. Leprosy was an apt physical comparison to the work sin does in our lives spiritually.
2. God can use miracles just as often as doctors and medicine to answer prayers for healing.
3. The gift of healing is a secondary payoff to what God truly desires, which is restored fellowship with us.