Question of the Week: How do we give thanks to God even when we have nothing to be thankful for in our lives at the moment?
Verses: 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Psalm 103:1-10
The holiday season that comes at the end of the year is surprisingly a time of depression for most people then family and joy. Life never calls ahead concerning the things that go wrong in it, and in the midst of the dark world we live in, it can be difficult at times to obey God’s command to always have a thankful heart. The solution to this obstacle in the way of our attitude being one of gratitude is first to understand the command, then to understand the One who commanded it. As stated before, we live in a fallen world where the question is raised why good things happen at all. This statement is made with no shortage of reasons to support itself as valid. We can’t always give thanks for everything in this world because most of what this world has to offer is not something worth being thankful for. That’s why the Bible doesn’t tell us to give thanks for everything. It tells us to give thanks in everything. The difference between the two is that giving thanks for everything means you’re grateful for what has been given to you in your specific set of circumstances. Giving thanks in everything is having an attitude of gratitude regardless of the state you’re currently in. That’s what makes the second point so important. What this world gives us is rarely something we can be thankful for. What God has given us, however, always gives us something to be thankful for. The most important of which is our salvation. No matter where our lives are at, we know that this life won’t be the only one we have to live. What He has done for us through the finished work of Jesus Christ will always be something we can be grateful for.
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